The comfort zone isn’t safe!

How many people in life choose to go to their comfort zone thinking its safe? Doing the same things that we already know how to do and have had success with feels secure. Trying new things or doing different things seems scary and dangerous.

The old saying is “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”. Most of us will use that saying as justification to keep doing things the same as before.

What if it isn’t broken as such, but cracks are starting to appear? They may only be hairline cracks at this stage, but they are only going to get worse with time until ultimately it does break. When it does break will it be too late, or at least require a great deal more effort and cost to fix?

In how many ways do we hold ourselves back by sticking with what we know rather than venturing out and trying new things, or making those changes?

A great example of where people undermine their own success with a reluctance to change, is with their staff. Your staff are critical to your business. Great staff can help your business fly, whereas bad staff can cost you time, money and hold you back from becoming what you otherwise could become. Despite this, how many know they have staff holding them back, but elect to put up with them, deeming it to be in the too hard basket (especially with current employment law) to deal with?

Change is not a possibility, it is inevitable. Mankind’s very existence has been dependent on our ongoing evolution. To not change, is to swim against the current. Some people might get lucky and survive long enough to retire, but most will get swept away. The concept of “pivoting” is not new, there is just more focus on it right now. Those that spot the trends quick enough and move to take advantage of those trends will benefit most, but we all must choose to step out of our comfort zones and make those changes and do those new things, if we want to give ourselves the best chance of success.

With clear vision, it is not doing new things that is scary, it is refusing to change and expecting everything around you to remain the same that is! Our seeming “comfort zones” are in reality not likely to be comfortable long term at all. Ironically if we want comfort, we are more likely to ultimately get it by committing to continually evolving. By making this commitment we are more likely to keep up with market changes and either maintain or grow our success, which ultimately will give us a great deal more comfort than standing still in a moving world!

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