3 Tips to get YOUR Emails OPENED!

Optimise your preview text

When writing an email campaign, its important to remember not to just focus on the content. If people are not enticed to open your email, then the content becomes irrelevant!

How do you make your email standout in a crowded email box?

a) Spend time on your subject line!

It needs to be engaging and enticing. You can do this with:

1) Emoji’s. Images are quick to catch people’s eye.

2) Using words of urgency. This can increase open rates by 22%*

3) Unusual choice of words. By choosing uncommon words, it can draw attention.

4) Humour. Saying something funny can grab people’s attention!

5) Personalise by incorporating their name. This has been found to increase open rates by 22.2%*

6) Limit the number of words. The highest open rate was found to be with 6-10 words at 21%*

Email Open Rates             Email Open rates 2

Did you know that 47% of people open emails based on their subject lines?*

Email subject lines



b) Send the email from an individual’s email, not a generic one. Pinpointe found that this could increase the open rate by up to 35%



c) Spend time carefully crafting your preview text. Consider it as a second subject line. As much as 24% of people may look at the preview text before deciding to open an email*

* https://www.litmus.com/blog/the-ultimate-guide-to-preview-text-support/


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